#5 - Daymond John on teaching kids financial literacy with his new children's book

Episode Summary
Join us this week on The Aro Podcast as we chat with the legendary Daymond John, CEO and founder of FUBU, star on ABC’s Shark Tank, and former Presidential Ambassador for Global Entrepreneurship. Daymond has accomplished so much in his career, but nothing compares to his role as a father. He's also a New York Times bestselling author, and his first children's book, Little Daymond Learns to Earn, releases today - March 21st! Daymond shares with us the inspiration behind the book and how it's not just for kids, but for the whole family to enjoy and learn from.
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Episode Transcript
Daymond John (00:05):
I am tired of reading my daughter's stories of princes and princesses and little girls who have to wait for people to come to them. And well, they drop their glass slipper and maybe a prince will come to 'em, or they gotta throw their, their hair out of a window <laugh>. Um, or somebody gotta kill a dragon. No, my little girl, you know, my little girl's gonna do, she's gonna make glass slippers for her friends to hang out with us. She's gonna make glass slippers to sell. She's gonna make so many damn glass slippers that a prince is gonna be like, where's that girl that owns this building?
Joey Odom (00:30):
Welcome back to The Aro Podcast, friends. It's Joey Odom, co-founder of Aro and I just had an amazing experience speaking with living legend Damon John, you know, John, the People's Shark on Shark Tank, New York Times bestselling author, founder of FUBU, hilarious guy all around, great guy. And he has just released a book, a children's book, his first children's book today, March 21st. Actually pause right now and go buy this book. Little Daymond Learns to Earn. Buy it for yourself, buy it for somebody else. Amazing book. Teaching Financial Literacy. We, we actually get into a little bit of an argument. We have some beef now, Daymond and I do, he calls it a children's book. I call it a family book. I think our friendship's gonna be okay, but it's worth listening to. But it's all about financial literacy for kids and entrepreneurship, something. When my kids were young, I didn't have those tools. And now you have no excuse. You have the tools from Daymond. So a really, really cool book that's coming out today. So please go buy a copy. This was a fun conversation. He really is a great guy. Please do go get a copy of that book. And for now, just sit back, relax, and enjoy my conversation with the people's shark, Daymond John.
Ladies and gentlemen, the People's Shark is here, one of the most intentional people on the entire planet in launching March 21st. Today, the day this episode drops as first children's book, Little Daymond Learns to Earn, hits the stores. But Daymond, I gotta, I gotta start off with a little bit of beef. I, I, I think I gotta argue with you here. This isn't the chil Yeah, this isn't the children's book. This is a family book. I think that you got it all wrong. This is for families. Am I right or am I wrong? Do we have some beef here? You
Daymond John (02:15):
Are. No, no ma'am. No man. We are on the same page. Um, it has to go wonder a certain category, but first of all, if, if you talk to Kevin, I'm sorry about Kevin on the show. Oh no. But he would agree with you because he would say it's not a children's book cause children don't have credit cards. But <laugh>, that's not the reason. It's not a children's book. It's not a children's book because it's a family book. Because a parent like me, who, the reason why he came out of, uh, a need was I was able to connect with my six year old daughter, um, by reading it to her. But simultaneously, I, I read it to her. Families start to absorb this information and think about it in their own ways. Cuz sometimes, you know what life is, life is treat us really bad as adult. We got caught in this trap called growing up <laugh>, and we got caught in this trap of hearing no more and thinking it can't be done, unlike when we were kids. So I love that you agree with that, and I appreciate it, and thank you for having me.
Joey Odom (03:13):
Absolutely. Well, thank you for being on, and, and our podcast is all about intentionality. And I, and I said, you are the one, one of the most intentional people on the planet. And as I've been thinking and prepping for this interview, my mind has continued to go back to a different place. And if we can go deep, if that's okay, if we can go deep. My mind has gone back to Hollis Queens, 1969, a 10 year old boy with dyslexia whose father just left. And,
Daymond John (03:41):
Uh, uh, 79. Yep. Got, got 79, 10 years old. 79 of 1 69, 10 years. Okay, here you go. We'll, right there, we'll write there. Let's rock. Yeah,
Joey Odom (03:49):
<laugh>. But I, I, I keep thinking about how that little boy is now where I has now written a book on financial literacy to children. Ha. Has there been a moment, I'm sure you've, as you've told your story, has there been any moment for you in writing this book where you've gone back there and, and just kind of pinched yourself and thought, how did this happen? How, how, how am I how was this little boy? How was he written this book for other kids on financial literacy? Has there been any moments of introspection in this whole process about going back to that place?
Daymond John (04:17):
Not till you just said it, <laugh>. Um, be very honest, you know, because, um, it, it, it, it does go by. So, so I was honored and I, and I have, uh, I have several, I have several bestselling books that were written to adults and that little boy, uh, that thank you, obviously, if you know that story, that means you've, um, you've done your homework on me. That little boy was honored at that time to say a little dyslexic boy who, um, I have no great accomplishments in school. I mean, I do have one great accomplishment. I love seventh grade so much. I I did it twice. <laugh>. Um, and that little boy who is dyslexic, which eight of the 12 sharks are, that little boy is a New York Times bestselling author three times over. Now that I did get that, I, I have had that joy, um, to the point where, you know, I reflected and, and un and, and understood that, that God had put me on this planet.
And every, every single person that is, uh, you know, has a dream that can achieve it. But what, but what reflected what this book happened, why this happened is that I have two older girls and, uh, um, I tried to teach in financial intelligence, but I didn't have financial intelligence either is that's not the 10 year old, that's the 25 year old, that's the 30 year old, and that's the 32 year old, because I almost went bankrupt twice when I was poor and once when I had 10 million at the bank. Wow. And what I realized, and this only comes with age, is if you look at the data of 65% of athletes, and a lot of winners are bankrupt three years after leaving the league or after, uh, you know, whatever the case is, uh, winning a lotto. If you look at the fact of even families who come from legacy wealth, if they're trust fund babies, right?
Never were taught the process of doing it. Well, where are the Fords and the Carnegie and the melons? Why aren't they owning the Twitters and the Instagrams and the Tesla of the world? Because the first generation make it the second enjoys it. The third destroys it, <laugh>, because they don't learn. And then why are as forests top, uh, wealthiest 1000 people, 65% of them are self-made men and women because they had to learn something. I look at the dynamic and the shift in these things, and I say, what is the common thing in most of these, most of this aspect, most of these people either had no knowledge in the beginning, no matter how much money they had or how much didn't because somebody either gave it to him as a trust child or somebody didn't know how to teach him, or they had zero or a lot and somebody taught them.
But they taught them at this age. Yeah. At 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. You know, the bottom line is, I'm gonna, this is gonna be my legacy. I, this is my threepeat, but when I die, this is not about a book. This is gonna be my legacy. Um, the first aspect of my threepeat was I created something that culturally brought people together and realized that this musical hip hop, uh, is great. And Damon created a brand that is the number one export of African American owned soft goods in history. Amazing. The next is, I'm on a show, 14 years. Um, I'm the only African-American on that show. This is sad. Only African-American on that show or on television, excuse me, on television, in television history that has nothing to do with music, sports and politics. And, uh, I have shown people the American dream is alive and well. And little kids, 10, 12 years old are eating p in their PJs eating cereal who's gonna grow up and dominate the world and change the world because of the education that we've given them on that show.
That was my second period of, uh, history that hopefully I'm gonna be a part of. But this one, this is gonna spark a conversation. There is no, this the bottom line, there's no book out there like this or notebook out there that is publicly known that shows entrepreneurship in a fun way where parents and kids can talk to their kids about it. Remember, don't be a parent and get stuck with the way parents think. You know, I read, I read Catch on the Rye one time, I threw it away. What the hell am I looking at this thing for <laugh>? Remember your children five to 10, they wanna read this. They want you to read this to 'em and have fun every month. Yeah. And what that does is that sets them off in, in, in a way of absorbing information of, wait a minute, if I really like it, there's a way to earn and make it.
Oh, but I can't do it by myself. But I thought you had to do it. But no, I have to bring my friends together and I have to, I have to create ways for us to have fun. I'm tired of reading my daughters stories or es and princesses and little girls who have to wait for people to come to them and they drop their glass slipper and maybe a prince will come to 'em, or they gotta throw their, their hair out of a window <laugh>. Um, or somebody gotta kill a dragon. No, my little girl, you know what my little girl's gonna do? She's gonna make glass slippers for her friends to out with, or she then make glass slippers to sell. Or she's gonna make so many damn glass slippers that a prince's gonna be like, where's that girl that owns this building? <laugh>? Um, I don't wanna tell my, my, my godson that Webbs have to come out his wrist <laugh>, or he can fly or he has to culminate the, this crew of guys or girls and girls, uh, the Avengers because Theos is gonna destroy the planet and it's critical like that. No, he's gonna create his friends and could say, why don't we just go have a good time? And why don't we, you know, we may make some money, but everything that we buy, we can sell everything that we do for free, we can get paid for. Let's have a good time. Yeah. So that's what I'm doing today.
Joey Odom (09:34):
Well, it, it, it's such a, you think about the things you learn when you're young. It becomes so foundational that if someone learns this from the beginning but learns entrepreneurship from a very young age, they just accept it. This is how, this is the way the world works. And so, for a little kid, five to 10, and I think back to this being a family book, I actually think it's also a little bit of a Trojan horse because it's, as a company, what we do as a company, we help people put down their phones and engage in real life. And so we want, the biggest question we get from people is, what do I do after I put down my phone? They don't know. So this is a Trojan horse. Yeah. It's teaching financial literacy, but it's really doing is creating connection between parents and kids. And so it's that Trojan horse into, oh, all of a sudden you're connected and you're learning something together. It's not only for them to read to their kids but learn themselves. Cause a lot of adult adults don't know this stuff that's in here.
Daymond John (10:21):
You are spot on. So, you know, after I created this book with my team, because again, entrepreneurship is a team sport. And one, what I initially was gonna do was create another book for parents and, and, and mothers primarily to say, here's how to raise, you know, a bunch of sharks. But my team thought of other stuff. But after created it, I started to show my little girl, um, how to connect with her about her children, wasn't it? And, and I'm gonna give you something. It's not in the book, and I, I can give you many takeaways, right? Because the reason why I, again, that I'm saying that this is my calling because not because the book is it, it is, it is a creation of a conversation with parents. Because right now, if our, if our school system is set up for the way it used to be, you know, um, we are at World War, let's create, um, crafts and various things, uh, you know, that you can go and build and things like that.
Or let's create a better employee. Um, that's that, that day and age today, yeah, we're a different day and age. And if, if the kids don't have any financial intelligence, but at 17 years old can acquire $700,000 worth of debt for a career that I even sure they want, and they're gonna have that debt up until 50 years old. Well, that debt, you know what that debt creates? That debt creates domestic violence. That debt creates, uh, uh, uh, um, homes that are, are, are divorced. And what happens with the divorce with the kids don't have anybody to raise them. And when the kids don't have anybody to raise them when they're in the streets, they go and sell money on sell, do something on the corner instead of doing something here. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. It breaks all though, and I'm, I'm not being dramatic cuz even if we, we change this, um, the system by 2% of, uh, uh, cribs to corrections from cribs to college, um, it creates bad health habits.
Because if you don't have enough money, the cheapest things to eat are the, all the things they're selling us. Right? Salt, sugar and butter. It's cost a lot to eat healthy. Uh, well if I break that system, um, that happens. Now I gotta tell you, I'm learning with my daughter too. Connection. Exactly. Let me give you a typical example that whether you buy this book or not, you can take this away right now for your child, right? So there is three things that you should do. There's three ways, only three ways. The perfect, three ways you should do one. You get $3, $3,000 or 3 million, right? The first dollar is supposed to go for what you have to spend, uh, mortgage medicine, whatever the case is, the second dollar is supposed to be in an investment. That investment eventually grows to go into bucket one in three.
And the third is supposed to be what you would like to have, but don't have to have. And if you don't spend all that, you put that back in number two. Now, what do most of us do? Well, we work really hard. We want to treat ourselves. We do number three first. We don't get to number two because now we've done number three. Well, how are we gonna take care of number one? And by the way, number one, now it's late, but you don't have it. So now you're paying 18% on a credit card that starts us off on a wrong path. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So I took my little girl, I said, baby, let's open up your piggy bank. Cuz every year at the end of the, you're gonna open up your piggy bank and see what you have. My little girl had $300 end of the year. Listen, I know the average American is like, how does she have $300 <laugh>? Because listen, uh, because of inflation or because I am very blessed in life. I don't know the tooth fair is giving $40 the tooth these days. <laugh>, I got two thou, I got $2 and 15 cents for all my teeth and my tonsils <laugh>.
Joey Odom (13:49):
You got the tonsil fair. I like that.
Daymond John (13:51):
Exactly right. Uh, uh, uh, well my cousin got my tonsil, whatever. Anyway, um, we take the first hundred. Remember when you tell your kids, you know how hard daddy and mommy work, you know what they say, you know, for money. They say, yeah, I do. You know what they're saying? No, I really don't. I'll just brought it into this world and you were paying for anything anyway and you brought me this world. That's your problem, bozo. But they don't wanna say that, right? So we take the first hundred, uh, baby, you gotta give this to mommy and daddy to help with the, with the, with the, with the mortgage. Just so, so great. And you know, she looks at me, she's like, yes daddy. You know, she's thinking, who cares? The second I say, but the second, this is an investment. So this is an investment.
Investment can be your education. This investment can be a business investment cause somebody else's business, you know? Um, but an investment, here's what happens on an investment and eventually grows. But an investment, if it's a business, it really does two things. It solves a problem or brings somebody's joy. And by the way, every time you solve a problem, you bring somebody joy, what do you wanna do? Oh, we live by the beach. I didn't wanna put shells in these in bottles. And I wanna give them to all my friends and say, well, if they're so great, you wanna give to your friends, maybe you could sell a couple. Maybe I can. You think I can? Maybe you can. Right? Let's go to Michael's. We go to Michael's. We buy a hundred dollars worth of bottles and sand, not saying, um, whatever sprinkles or whatever the crap is, right?
Yep. 30 bottles. And then I take the other hundred and say, baby, this is something that you would like to have but don't have to have. What do you want a pet? All right, what kind of pet do you want? A giraffe can't fit in the house, <laugh>, but we drill her all the way down to a beta fish. We knew we were gonna get a beta fish anyway. I said, so, okay, here we go. I, why don't we take the beta fish home? It's sitting at home. I said, you see that? What daddy? That's freedom. That's what money brought you. What do you mean freedom baby? You didn't have to wait for your birthday or for Christmas. You, I you didn't have to just tell me what it was. And I go get any color beta fish you want money is freedom and money allows you to get anything you want as long as your parents and the IRS and the police will get that another time.
Allow you to do that. And it doesn't have to be a fish. It could be money, could be a vacation. Um, money to give to those who you think are in more need or something else. Money that you don't have to go to work money for. Your best friend. She, it went off in her head. Well, money is, but remember we're connecting. Mommy and daddy are connecting with her. We go back to the bottles. She had 20 bottles out of the 30 ready to give away. I said I didn't, I didn't talk to her about the baby. You know, these bottles, if you give away 20, you are going to only have a little and then you're not gonna have any money to go and it's gonna be what we call bankrupt <laugh>. But if you just give away five, and if we do the math and you sell these 25, we'll get into her later. Cuz down the road, what is a comparable price? You can now then buy 60 and then you give away 10 and then it started to work. And if you just do that with, imagine if you do that with your children every year for the next 10 years when your child is five years old,
Joey Odom (16:54):
Changes the game. I mean, it, it's, it's a great, I'm reading a book right now called The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel, which is a great book. And he talks about how money is, it just gives you control of your time. And exactly what you said, that's freedom. It gives you that control over your time. And so, by the way, I put, if I could bet on Minka j I'm gonna bet on Minka J cuz she knows she has a, she has a foundation now. Because in her mind that's just the way the world works. And so she's so much farther ahead of everybody. And do you think parents don't talk about these things cause they just one don't know it themselves and they just don't know how to talk about it? And this makes it so approachable? Is that the reason?
Daymond John (17:27):
Yeah, we don't know how to talk about it. So first of all, you, you know, a lot of us, we just didn't come up with that education. Yeah. And there is no who doesn't wanna work hard, right? Um, you know, I know that I don't care what anybody says, 95% of this country, um, we have the same things in common. Uh, it's only 5% of these assholes trying to rip us all apart. Don't let 'em to, to us. Right? Um, they just don't know anybody. And then even if you knew better you, how do you communicate that to your child? Right? We don't think like children do, right? Yeah. So, and that's why when you put it in a form of a book, I'll give you an example. You know, if you are not, if you're not trying to on discipline your child because your child lied, well, if you are trying to have just a regular conversation about your child, and they're like, you know, and you know, ch you, you have kids?
Joey Odom (18:17):
I do. Yeah. Two kids.
Daymond John (18:18):
How old are they?
Joey Odom (18:19):
Uh, 15 and 13.
Daymond John (18:21):
Beautiful. Beautiful. Oh, they're just turning into aliens right now. They
Joey Odom (18:24):
<laugh> they are just turning into aliens. We're starting to see the tentacles. Yeah. Yeah.
Daymond John (18:28):
But you know, if you wanted teach him earlier on, they're like, yeah, I was just joking. You go, you go. Um, you know, you read The Boy Who Cried Wolf because it's a easy way, you already know our ones. We know Little Rock Riding the boy who crowded Wolf, uh, you know, Goldilock, all the, we all know the ones that have been historically something. This is something that is historically a way to touch it without having to do this hard. All right? And we have worksheets and all that kind of stuff to have fun with it. But it's not, alright, let's go out and get your p and l uh, you know, sheet and you know, what is your assets and liabilities and, you know, uh, the kids going, what are you talking about <laugh>? You know? So it's the same way the Shark Tank is the chop show.
Watched kids five to 15 and parents and kids together because a kid could understand when, you know, when I, when, when, when the producers, when we did our, um, pilot and we were on there, uh, with the first, uh, two hours and we are doing it the pilot, right? And so I'm sitting over there going, so, you know, I'm gonna take, I'm gonna give you a bridge, but I'm gonna have a claw back. And then I'm going, you know, the producers all came down to all of us and said, um, we don't know what the hell y'all are talking about
Joey Odom (19:38):
Daymond John (19:40):
So, uh, we don't, you know, ebitda,
Joey Odom (19:44):
Daymond John (19:45):
Um, can you talk to us like you're talking to Little Sally and little Timmy, uh, 11 years old, you know, oh, it's the Uber of dentist
Joey Odom (20:02):
Daymond John (20:07):
But that's how Shark Tank works. And now kids are busy and negotiating with their parents in the middle of the house, you know? Um, and, and, and that's why simple things would our kids understand? Yeah. Whether they're talking about the months, the planets, the holidays, the alphabet, they sing them in lullabies and you know, and, and that, and, and, and that's the idea and the concept of bringing people together. Yeah.
Joey Odom (20:28):
I love that. We wanna be super respectful of your time. I ask one question of all of our guests and my my fault, I didn't prep you for this question. So you guys, everybody listening is gonna get off the cuff. We're all about intentionality at ro. And the question I ask everybody is, and you again, I said, I'll say the third time, you're one of the most intentional people on the planet from when were young, when you knew you were gonna be a gazillionaire. What does intentionality, what does that word mean to you? What does that, how does that personalize for Damon John? What does intentionality mean to you?
Daymond John (20:56):
Intentionality is for the adults. Here is you, if you wanna write a letter to somebody or communicate with somebody, you'll communicating like you're trying to get a kidney for your child. Hmm. It is a intentionality of something where you have a direct, uh, understanding of what you need. And the best way to get it is out, is not, is not running through it is the best way to get it, is finding how to be of value for the person on the side and communicating it in a short period of time in a soluble way where that person sees and understands the value. And even if they don't wanna participate in the value, they give you information on how to make it better or they share that value ad that you have with somebody else. Um, but it is intentional.
Joey Odom (21:42):
I love that everybody's one again, going to want to go buy this book anywhere you can get it and go to, by the way, I love the website little damon.com, where you get a bunch of free downloadable tools. That's right. We're gonna, we're gonna do a bunch of give, we're gonna give away a bunch of 'em, some autograph copies. Damon, what, what am I missing here?
Daymond John (22:00):
Uh, you didn't ask me about the hat.
Joey Odom (22:02):
I, okay, so Damon has the most baller fashion piece I've seen in, in a long time. He is wearing a, an awesome top hat. You gotta go watch it on YouTube. See, see this top hat I need one. What what would it take for someone like me to two things? One, get one and two pull it off.
Daymond John (22:19):
Well, first of all, to get one, you can find them anyway. And um, cause you know, I have so many and I'm just displaying, yeah, you can find 'em anywhere. Now. Um, love
Joey Odom (22:28):
Daymond John (22:29):
You gotta be intentional about these things. You see, um, my duty is to go to my grave being the man who, um, sparked the, the financial intelligence, uh, uh, change in our country with our children. And when our children see me in a $10,000 Tom Ford suit on tv, I'm unapproachable. I'm not anybody they can relate to. But when they see me with this hat on and they say, mommy and daddy, somebody came in there with a hat. I asked him if he did magic and he said magic. And I didn't understand what the magic was. He said, he's gonna show me how to disappear out of this house when I'm 21 instead of 40. Oh, he's gonna show me how to turn $1 into $3. He's gonna show me how to get paid or make money or gummy bears or what, doing whatever I wanna do.
He's going to teach me magic for the rest of my life. And that's the only way that I'm going to talk to them and get to them. And by the way, any other parent that doesn't agree with that is, uh, I'm realizing that I'm, I feel bad for you because you like top hats. You like hats when you were a kid. If I would've left, actually if I leave this hat, would any of the parents are gonna run around by themselves with it? You like thoughts in Snowman, you like the cat in the hat. You like, uh, Willy Wonka <laugh>. You know, don't lie to me. You know, you, you like to go to the Kentucky Derby and see all those big old hats. Uh, you even like, uh, bill the Butcher, but whatever it is you like hats stop, stop lying to me. You like hats. What about Abraham Lincoln? Anyway, hey,
Joey Odom (23:59):
<laugh>, hey, you are right. The all the fun people, the magic people and the influencers of Warren Hats, you're right. Abraham Lincoln and Dr. Seus and everybody, I
Daymond John (24:09):
And Pharrell, everybody wear his hats.
Joey Odom (24:12):
Daymond John (24:13):
<laugh>. And so I get to, I get to get on, I get to get on a network and I get to do a lot of fun things with this hat. Act like I'm a five year old. And then as soon as you think that I don't have any sense, then I'll tell you the g d p of India and why long-term bonds are going to outpace short-term bonds today. Then I'll put the hat back on and tell you, you smell like hot dog water and you're a stupid face. It's just what it's, I'm like the guys on stepbrothers
Joey Odom (24:37):
<laugh>. Oh man. Exactly. The, the guys on stepbrothers in the interview with Top Hats, just brilliant <laugh> Damon, you've been generous with your time. Um, thank you for what you're doing. I really mean it. And you, the way you just walked through the, the cascading effects of financial literacy. This is, this will change a generation, this will change people's lives. And, and I'll leave it at this is just like you were the 10 year old boy in Hollis. I think about the 10 year old boy in Hollis right now, this second 2023, who's gonna get their hands on this and it's gonna change their future. So thank you. Thank you very, very much for everything you're doing.
Daymond John (25:11):
I really appreciate you and I gotta tell everybody before we came on, you said you're gonna buy a bunch of books to give away in your heart. Uh, and you are, you are, I mean, I'm not doing this cuz I need any more money. I'm donating, uh, the people who I, I have even programmed up there for large corporations to donate to a 5 0 1 [inaudible] [inaudible] deploy the books and I'll like, I'll waive any of my virtual speaking engagements that cost 10, 10 times more than those books. That would be if I'll talk to an organization for them. Um, due to, as long as this has something to do with children. Um, so it is an honor and a joy. And you didn't even mi you didn't tell, well I think you did say your giveaway, but you didn't tell them that I didn't give you the books.
You, you're buying these yourself just to give. And if you go to little damon um, dot com, uh, we have packages where you can buy one and give one and actually every day for the next 10 days. I think if you buy one, give one and you, you can buy five and give five a good answer five times. I'm spending half an hours or 15 minutes one-on-one zooms with people giving them consulting. Uh, cause we're picking a lot of winners, you know, out of tho those groups of people. So thank you so much for, uh, highlighting this. Thank you so much for reading it and finding a way to understand that we're connecting families and for helping me get this out to, to help, uh, change the system.
Joey Odom (26:24):
Absolutely. Thank you Daymond John, you are the best. You truly are the people's shark. Thanks my friend,
Daymond John (26:29):
Joey Odom (26:30):
Ladies and gentlemen, Daymond John, the People's Shark. Gotta be honest, I was a little nervous for that one. Uh, he is, he is a cultural icon. He is a fashion icon and he's doing really some amazing stuff with building literacy. He said it at the end, he doesn't need more money. He's doing this to help people out there become financially literate, to connect people. That's a huge part of that ethos there is connecting families. So please, if you're listening to this, please do go buy a copy of that, even if it's not for you. If your kids aren't at the age for that, go buy it for somebody else. It's amazing. Get those free tools on little damon.com. Make sure you're following him on all the socials at the Shark Damon on Instagram and Twitter. And then daymondohn.com is his website as well. So thank you so much for joining us. That was super, super fun for me, honored to have Daymond John on the show. We look forward to seeing you next time on the next episode of The Aro Podcast.