#2 - Micah Folsom on how to give the best of you, not the rest of you

Episode Summary
Micah Folsom does it all! She runs multiple successful businesses, hosts the Do Your Crap podcast, raises cattle alongside her husband, and homeschools her 5 children - all while being an intentional wife and mom. She’s a huge believer that women can live multi-passionate lives and still honor their family values. She talks about why it’s important to give your kids the best of you, not the rest of you, and that each of your heart tugs is paving the way for you to live out your fullest potential.
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Episode Transcript
Micah Folsom (00:04):
just feel like women are up against almost like an impossible situation to live up to what they expect themselves to be. And then also just really slow down and enjoy the the chaos and enjoy the simple moments and enjoy the mundane. And because that's e, I feel like, where the sweetest moments happen in mom life, but they're, that's not what we're seeing is important and that's not what we're seeing as deemed as valuable to pay attention to. Even.
Joey Odom (00:35):
Welcome back to the Aro podcast. It's your good friend Joey Odom. And I just had a dynamite conversation with Micah Folsom. I know you are going to love it. We ran the gamut from early marriage. She's married to an ex-NFL player and kind of those early struggles in, in her finding her voice of living the life that she wants. She, talks a lot about that story. It's very, very inspiring. And then she talks on the practical level, Hey, what's your morning routine? How do you, how do you parent a bunch of stuff that's very, very applicable? She talks about her relationship with technology and her phones and things that she has done to help kind of establish those healthy guidelines parameters within her home. I know you're going to love it. I walked away inspired. I know you will too. So sit back and enjoy my conversation with Micah Folsom. Folks like most of us, Micah Folsom raises cattle. She runs multiple successful businesses. She hosts a top 50 podcast. She motivates and inspires thousands as a former college athlete. Has the energy of a nuclear power plant and is a present and intentional wife and mom. Oh yeah. She also homeschools her five kids and has another on the way on top of all of that, she is one of the most positive, kind, and authentic people I know. Micah Folman. How the heck are you? Welcome to The Aro Podcast.
Micah Folsom (01:59):
Thanks for having me. This is gonna be fun. I'm super stoked.
Joey Odom (02:02):
I'm excited. So all of that's true. Everything I just said about you, is that 100% true? Was there, was there any error in there?
Micah Folsom (02:08):
I mean, it's true, but it takes a village. So when you say Micah, it's like Micah and a team of humans who are on a mission to do all of those things.
Joey Odom (02:18):
I, I need to ask, so when, if I did a reread, I would say humble. I would say that also, look what you just did <laugh>. Gosh. Nice work. <laugh>. Alright, so, I I have a, I have a million questions. I mentioned to you, I went down a Micah Folsom warm hole yesterday, like two hours and I feel like I just hit the, hit the tip of the iceberg. So give us like, give us a background, give us a little, how do you do all of these things? Um, high level, what are you focused on? You know, how you got where you are, the message you're sending to the world. And then I will, then I'll just get in there and start extracting like a dentist.
Micah Folsom (02:51):
Oh man, that's, that's a big loaded question. I <laugh>. Um, I guess to start with, I was always, I was always involved with sports. I was always an athlete growing up, so I always had goals and things I was working towards and challenges, and, I liked to be pushed and I liked to be stretched. And so early on, my biggest goal in life was to be a mom. I'm like, okay, that's the end goal. I just wanna be a mom. I wanna stay home with my kids. I don't wanna ever have to work ever. And that's it. So I get married at 19, and meet my husband in college. He's playing football, I'm playing volleyball. We are like doing what we love and we get pregnant seven months into our marriage. Wow. So by the time I'm 20, we're having our first baby. And I had like, I had done it right, <laugh> like that was like where my goals ended.
I was like, okay, I'm 20 and I just hit my ultimate goal. Well, as most women who are listening can probably relate to, mom life was freaking hard. And it was, it was like a big bottle of joy and loneliness and like, what else is there and how do I do this by myself and is this it for me? Like, do I just follow JD now everywhere he goes? He was playing in the NFL at the time and so we were kind of just figuring out mom life with a baby, living in a hotel because we were in training camp and that's when I was like, okay, I'm gonna just start taking pictures of my baby cuz that's what all new moms do. And so I started taking pictures of her and I'm like, okay, this is fun. Now how can I take better pictures?
And so then I got into photography and at that point wanted to just kind of how my personality is, wanted to know how to do it better, wanted to like improve that skill, fell in love with it, fell in love with photography. I'm like, well, maybe I could do this for other people. Maybe I could capture their moments. Maybe I could bring joy to their family. And so I started a photography business, um, didn't know what the heck I was doing. Self-taught, learned how to run a business, learned all it took, and did that for about three and a half years. And when I finished, I was doing weddings and seniors. That was what I fell in love with. And at that point my husband was in vet school, so we were following him around doing what he wanted to do in life. And that was amazing. And then we hit another crossroad where we were probably, we were in Oklahoma <laugh> and whoa, we shout out Oklahoma. Right? Did you know that
Joey Odom (05:40):
<laugh>? No, I didn't. I'm from Oklahoma. Where in Oklahoma
Micah Folsom (05:42):
When Yeah, I know. We were at Oklahoma State.
Joey Odom (05:46):
There you go. Look at that. And still
Micah Folsom (05:47):
I know. Wow. That, so we were there for four years. We were there for four years and we loved it. We fell in love with the people we like. It was a great experience. But I knew my family was all back west, so I'm like, I don't wanna live here forever, even though the people are great. No offense to the Midwest. I'm just a family girl at the, at our, at like at the core. And so we are running into the crossroad, my husband was very good at what he does. He finished number one in his class. Like, are you kidding me? He's like, yeah. So he was, he was getting a job kind of like, not opportunities in school, but people interested wanting him to come out after he was done. They were all in the Midwest. And so I was like, <laugh>, this is gonna suck <laugh>.
I'm like, gosh dang. And I just knew like, where, where we plant roots is where we're gonna stay, period, because of his type of career. And he's a large animal vet. Um, and so at that moment, I had just started my coaching business with the body, then known as Beachbody, and didn't have any real goal of building that to anything <laugh> to be proud of or just really needed to stay accountable to my health. But a couple of weeks into becoming a coach and starting to share my journey, I saw a video from another mom who was very normal, very down to earth about what she had done with her business and what was possible. And at that moment, the seed was planted. Like, Micah, you have an open opportunity right here to create a life on purpose that you love. Like you don't have to follow JD around and just do whatever dictates life.
And it was at that moment that I'm like, well, let's just see what happens. Let's freaking go. And so JD and I were having conversations and what I realized was we were gonna end up taking the highest paying job out of school if we were relying on his income. Like that's just what made sense, right? That's what we would need to do. And so we had about 18 months left of school and obviously, we are taking out loans, we are out of state. Um, so we had all this out-of-state tuition debt. And so I told him, I'm like, babe, we're gonna pay off your loans before you even graduate so we don't have to deal with debt and we can choose where we wanna go. And he's like, okay, <laugh>. Right? And it didn't make sense, the numbers didn't add up, but I knew that if I just like got to work and had the heart to help people and leaned into growing as a human, who knew what could, what could happen?
And we did it. So we were able to pay off all of his loans. We are able to choose where we wanted to live, and buy a home in Idaho, which is right between where our families lived. And it was like, so it was early on that I got clear on, okay, if I want to live the life that is right for our family, I need to be so freaking intentional every day because it's up to me. Like I have power, I have, I have a responsibility and I can make a difference. I don't have to rely on someone else. And I just wanted that choice for our family, like still works. He still is very, he owns his practice, he does work, he loves, it was never the fact that like, oh, I wanna retire him and he can be home and he would legit go crazy if like, he could not live that life <laugh>. But I knew that if we relied on that solely, then I would just kind of be like, all right, I'm just gonna follow you and be the homemaker. And I don't know, I just needed something outside of mom life too.
Joey Odom (09:45):
I'm, I'm curious that, that I'm interested to drill down, drill down. I didn't know a lot of that. I that, that's, that's interesting. And, what's interesting about that too is there's a dynamic there within your marriage. And again, we, you know, most people listening here are probably, you know, families and that creates an interesting dynamic within your marriage. And for some men that wouldn't work. Right. And you said something really interesting and, and I, and you weren't saying it pointed in any way, you said it with a purpose. You said, you know, we were doing what he wanted to do. And you said, but that's amazing. But it, you did recognize. Okay. But, uh, there's, there's me as well.
Micah Folsom (10:22):
Joey Odom (10:23):
Will you tell me about to whatever degree you're comfortable with, tell me about that dynamic? And maybe it goes into how he has, how he accepted it. I'm sure there were some times where it, there were some, some grinding there of the gears, but yeah, so how I, I'd love to hear again, whatever, to whatever extent you're willing to, to share, that would be interesting.
Micah Folsom (10:40):
Yeah, no, I love this question because it did, it took some real honest conversations. Um, and we went through some struggles in vet school and I think a lot of it came from me being like, wait, this is what I'm supposed to be happy with, but I'm not like I'm, he's, he was gone all day long, like super early in the morning studying, and then he'd get home late at night and he was doing what he had to do to get through school and to be successful. And he still like he still made a family priority. He would get home, try and be home for dinner, and he's an amazing dad and husband, but I was like, my tank was not full. And so that's where I thankfully found coaching and was able to find a some of my identity and some joy and fulfillment there that I was lacking.
Quote, I'm doing hand quotes just in motherhood because motherhood is the hardest freaking job we'll ever have. And I know it's my ultimate calling, but I still needed something else. And I felt guilty about that for a while until I really got clear with myself <laugh> and had a good, a good talking too. But it brought up some, really honest conversations with JD and me, and it was a lot of, well, this isn't what I thought our life would be like. I I, he was like, my mom's state, my mom's a homemaker, she's a ranch wife, she cooks all the meals, she doesn't do anything outside of that. I thought that's what you wanted to do. That's what you told me you wanted to do <laugh>. And I'm like, that's what I thought I wanted to do too, but I dunno. Right? And so it did.
I was like, I just, and he started to see how much joy it did bring. He started to see how fulfilled I was. He started, to see this fire come kind of like light up again. And the struggle that came up was as I started making money doing my coaching business, it was like a hit to his ego and a hit to his security. Like I needed him before because of finances. And, and we got to the point where I did not need him anymore, but I wanted him. And that was a huge dynamic shift. And we had to have open conversations like, babe, I know I don't need you anymore, but you don't need to worry because I want you in my life. I want you a part of this and we're going towards everything we want together, not what I want. And then what you want.
And that's what was causing some struggle while we were in vet school like he had his goals and what life was gonna look like and he was gonna do be successful vet and he was gonna be like known as in his industry. And that was so important to him. And I was like, okay, well, but I want a life like centered by family and that s like you, you're a part of that. So you need to be home and you need to be, and I wanna be around family. I don't wanna be in the middle of nowhere while you're just doing the work you love. And I'm like going crazy at home with the kids. And so we just had to talk, we had to, we had to open up that can of worms and be like, this is our reality. This is what's going on. This is how I'm feeling. How can we do life together that we love? What is that gonna look like?
Joey Odom (13:53):
Gosh, that's so in, is he, a couple of things stand out about that story. One of them is you, you said again from J D's perspective, Hey, wait a second. I thought you said all these things, but, and you forget you said that as a 19-year-old right? Right. Yeah. Without the context of what things look like and without like the, you know, you see the romanticized version of o being a mom, but like that's a freaking grind as we Right. As we all know, as, you know, we as dads have, have, have observed <laugh>. So that's, that's an interesting thing for him to probably in a very fair way to have said, this isn't what I expected, but you had the same thing. Well, this is also not what I expected. I made that commitment when I was a teenager. Right. Yeah. It's not like, and how long had, how long had y'all dated before you got married?
Micah Folsom (14:39):
Oh geez. Um, not long <laugh>.
Joey Odom (14:42):
Not long,
Micah Folsom (14:42):
Okay. Not long. Yeah. We, we met, we met in the spring, like in the weight room crossing paths. Yeah. Went on our first date ish in July and to told his family we were getting married at the end of July and then we were engaged in September, married in December. So it was like wham bam, bam, bam. Oh
Joey Odom (15:01):
My god. <laugh>. Yeah. No kidding. So it makes sense, I mean, it makes sense that you would, you know, you would say one thing, but you, you know, still reserving the right to, to see how things are in practicality and change it. Is he that had to, I know you're, you're, you're confident and you're bold, but that had to be a process for you to find that voice and then say it confidently. Was that a, what was that process like to say? Like to recognize the feeling? Like, hold on one second. Like, I need the thing that, you know, I want to create a life on purpose that you, that I love you saying that. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, but how long did it take for you to step into that voice and get comfortable with it and own it?
Micah Folsom (15:40):
I mean, I feel like it took probably a good year. Um, thankfully in the coaching world, personal growth and mindset are a huge focus. I had never really done much of it before. Even as an athlete it would, I like, I wish they would've incorporated all of that as an athlete when I was young, but I hadn't gotten into that world until that point. And so months and months and months into like really digging into who I was and my potential and who I could be and the feelings and being in tune with this resistance that I was feeling, I was like for the first, I don't know, probably six months, almost in denial that I was building a business <laugh>, like with coaching, I was like, oh no, I'm just like doing it on the side in the mom cracks. Like, it's just very like whatever.
And then, and we were like making a decent income and it was something that I loved and it was all stemming from like, no, but you're supposed to be a mom. Like, you're like, that's what you're supposed to be doing. So you're not supposed to have a job, you're not supposed to have a career, you're not supposed to have an actual business that makes a life-changing amount of income. Like that's not, what's in the cards for you? Like, my identity was getting shaken and, thankfully, and so like through all of that, it was very, oh, I'm just doing it on the side, like when it's convenient and when I am not putting my family at like an inconvenience and I'm still doing these things. And then we got to a point where like it was either I work or I clean the house or I do these things or this gets done. And that's when conversations had to happen cuz JD would come home and the house would be like a mess. And I'm like, babe, I'm trying to hit this goal and I got a deadline and this crap had to get done and so the laundry's gonna have to wait and you're gonna have to be okay with that <laugh>. And so it took some like, what is going on? Okay, hold on. But we gotta figure it out. We gotta figure it out.
Joey Odom (17:43):
<laugh>. So when you said you were doing it, you said, you know, you were doing it on the side, is that a story you told yourself, or is that a story you told JD and others? Was that your narrative for yourself? Or was it truly like, I guess what I'm trying to figure out is, was it in some ways almost like a, you were downplaying it to others to keep up this appearance? No, no, no. I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm a mom, you know, I'm, I'm taking care of it. Was it a downplaying or was it even like a defense mechanism within yourself in case it didn't succeed? Well, it sounded like it was, seemed like it, if it didn't succeed, at least you could always say like, oh, it was just something I was trying out.
Micah Folsom (18:17):
I think it was more, it was more me carrying that expectation of myself that 's priority was number one and everything else had to happen after that. And so I think it was me like, and I did, I, and speaking of intention, that was when I learned, like I've got white space in my days, even though I had two kids at the time and JD was gone all the time and I was still doing my photography business. I have white space in my days that I can fill with the intention that can move the needle forward on this side business. And so I literally would ask myself, is this moving me closer to the goal or is it moving me further away? So really quickly, I was making trade-offs that were like, this is not serving our life or our goals. It's going off the table for the season and I'm filling it with this.
Um, but it still, wasn't shaking up family life, it wasn't shaking up. Like if someone from the outside ed in, they would never know I was doing anything extra. Like I was, we were still going on play dates, we were still, the kids are still in stuff. It was just, I was willing to sacrifice some things that I was doing or scrolling or wasting time or watching shows, or just sitting and not doing anything. I filled those gaps with things that were moving us closer to goals in my coaching business. And so I think it was more me that had to come to terms like, if you're gonna do this, like you're gonna have to figure out what this looks like and how that balance comes to life. And, and that's when I was like, oh, frick, I can't do all this <laugh>. I can't do it all. This is not gonna work <laugh>. So that's when I had to get real with myself and put my ego at the door and go, wait, but do you have to do this? Or do you just value that it gets done? And that was the first thing. I
Joey Odom (20:09):
Like that
Micah Folsom (20:09):
Because the first thing that I delegated was house cleaning.
Joey Odom (20:14):
I was about to say, is that the last time you vacuumed? Was that it like, like I'm good now? I mean
Micah Folsom (20:18):
I still vacuum every once in a while, but I like, I was like, okay, I value having a clean house because that makes me feel like a successful homemaker. But I hate cleaning, I like having a clean house. I hate cleaning and that's wasting time. Like I could have someone else do that. So it was literally like little things like that, okay, but I want this done doesn't have to be done by me. And then I started to do those things in my business, like, this monotonous stuff needs to get done, doesn't need to get done by me, it can be done a VA or whatever. So I had to get intentional about, okay, what are my highest priorities? Where do I wanna spend my time in energy? And then what are the things that need to get done that are aligned with my highest priorities, but don't need to get done by me? And I was like, <laugh>, let's go hire all the help o, to help me do those things.
Joey Odom (21:07):
That's amazing. It's such, and we'll get into this more, but just, it seems like that's such competitiveness, competitiveness, recombined with intention, combined with practicality, like all that stuff and mindset obviously in there that's so all stacks on top of each other. That's interesting. Um, I'm curious, what would you, if, if a, you know, is again, if, if a dad is listening here and maybe something similar is happening right now, like they're seeing like their wife, like hold on one second. Like she's, she's taking on, she's wanting to, to kind of shift away from what we thought or hey, she's got a business idea in mind. What are some things that you would se advise them on? Whether it's something that JD did well or if he would do it over again, he would say, or maybe what would JD say? Like, Hey, hey here's, here's some good advice if you're going through something similar and your wife is kind of, you know, getting some epiphanies like you were.
Micah Folsom (21:54):
Yeah, I would say some of the things that we had to learn kind of the harder way were one, having goals that were united. Like, so having those conversations with your spouse, why do you wanna build this? What is it gonna look like for our family? What is, what doors does it open up? Because when we were having marriage friction, it was when he was very, he's very goal determined and very driven and very successful in what he does. And I was having those same, that same ambition, that same excitement, the same drive, but like, they were like going two different directions and that's when we're like, okay, hold on, let's bring it back together. So how can we do this together? And then it was also, it was really just peeling back the layers of what life is supposed to be and understanding what it can be and what, what it could be if you came together and like built some new things together.
And when JD got on board and started to understand what this could do for our life, he was like, how can I help? How can, how can I help in the kitchen? How can I help, with the kids at nighttime when you have to be on a team call, or how, like what can I do? Where before it was like, oh, roll his eyes, like you have to go do that again. Okay, great. And it was more of an annoyance and like a thorn in his side. And when he caught the vision of why I was doing it and what it meant for our family, it w he was so much more open to how can I support, how can I help, and what can I do to be a part of this.
Joey Odom (23:31):
That's so awesome. When he did kinda catch that vision, did he start calling you sugar mama?
Micah Folsom (23:36):
<laugh>? No. No, but <laugh> No, but it's so funny. It's so funny. And JD and I laugh and thankfully he's very confident, very secure. He did have to go through some, like some stuff like holy crap, right? What does this mean? You know, <laugh>. But um, like when we were looking for a house and we were, we would walk through and stuff, it was always like, oh, well what do you, what do you do for a living to jd? And he's like, oh, I'm a vet. And it was never like, you know, they never, what do you do? Or he
Joey Odom (24:09):
Oh, so, so
Micah Folsom (24:10):
Interesting. Right? But he's so, like, he would be like, I'm a vet, but actually, my wife is the baller and sh and he's
Joey Odom (24:16):
So <laugh>.
Micah Folsom (24:18):
He is very willing to own. I am, he's very successful and he is so good at what he does, but he never is afraid to also acknowledge the fact that like he's able to do exactly what he loves and slay because of opportunities that this has opened up for him. So it's, I mean, I always appreciate that, so that's
Joey Odom (24:41):
So cool. I love that. Yeah. <laugh>,
Speaker 3 (24:44):
We hope you're enjoying the show. Let's take a quick moment to hear from one of our members about how Aro is impacting their life.
Speaker 4 (24:50):
As an achiever, it was appealing to me to have something that I could look back and say, this is how much time I'm actually saving and how much time I'm actually spending with family and getting back. Um, and so that was all attractive to us when we initially were looking at Aro and it made it a pretty, pretty easy investment for our family. And it's been a great one so far.
Joey Odom (25:14):
You talk to women, uh, largely and moms and so much of your backstory you just gave us, um, speaks to that. And you talk to moms in business and entrepreneurs and you refer to them, you know, women having feelings of, of frustration and being stuck and discouraged and hopeless. And, do you think that is two questions here? Do you think that is common among women? And then, and then secondly, do you think that women, and I think you've, you've answered a lot of that, do you think women experience that differently than men? That, that those sorts of, you know, feeling stuck in some of those words? And maybe you can speak to what some of those common emotions are that women may experience differently than men?
Micah Folsom (25:54):
I mean,, I do think that we go through a different experience than men do. I think especially, especially as mothers, there's just something that is when you're raising children who require so much of you and you carry so much of your identity on taking care of them and nurturing them, and it's like you give and give and give and give and give and that's almost what's expected of you. And so women go through this, I, and I'm generalizing, but I think a lot of women go through this, holy crap, how am I supposed to do it all and have any capacity to take care of myself and have any ounce of anything else left? Like there's nothing left of me. And I think when women are, when I talk to women, it's, it's a common, common, common, common thing. I'm stuck, I feel frustrated.
I think so much of it stems from what they're seeing on social media. I mean, even the moms that romanticize motherhood, it's like, oh, but their house is perfect and their kids are always well dressed and they're getting along and they're all of this like perfect world stuff. And then you've got like chaos happening behind you and there's crap on the wall and whatever, and you're like, how are they doing it? And how am I such a failure? So I think it's a combination of so many things that people are going through in this day and age. And I don't know, I just feel like women are up against almost an impossible situation to live up to what they expect themselves to be. And then also just really slow down and enjoy the the chaos and enjoy the simple moments and enjoy the mundane and enjoy, because that's e, I feel like where the sweetest moments happen in mom life, but they're, that's not what we're seeing as important and that's not what we're seeing as deemed as valuable to pay attention to even so, I don't know, our world is crazy
Joey Odom (27:54):
<laugh>. Well it's, it's so true though. You're ba you know, you're basing the expectation on yourself on a mirage. You're basing it on something that's just not real. It's, I mean, truly it's not real. Like you don't see what's behind the camera. And so that has to be an enormous amount of pressure you put on. And you referenced social media again, we're, we're, you do a great job. This is what I love, you know, our approach, and I know yours is as well. We, we we're aware of the ills of social media, and we're still active on them. Yeah. You're still light on social media to other people and hopefully busting them out of the comparison trap, right?
Micah Folsom (28:25):
Yeah. I mean, and that's always, that's something that's been super important to me. Like, it's such a balance between sharing the real and sharing the hope and sharing the joy and sharing what's possible and sharing, like, I think it's that fine line between, oh, I'm just gonna throw my hands up and accept my reality. Like, no, you don't have to do that. Like, you can still be making progress and find the joy and feel happy amid all the stuff that's going on. And there are also things you can do to improve your life every single day. So it's like being grateful for where you're at, appreciating what you have while still being open to improvement and growth, and even more fulfillment and joy. So it's that balance of I will show you the real and show you what's going on, but I'll also show you as we do have a joyful happy life and, but it's because of a lot of things that we've built and it's because I'm not doing it by myself. Yeah. That's for sure.
Joey Odom (29:24):
Yeah, that makes sense. It is. The, um, I, I'd be curious to hear some stories if you have one or two just at the top of your head of stories of where women have felt stuck and they've encountered you and they've, they've intersected and, and you know, stories of their transformation. I'd, I I didn't prep you for this, so if you have any on hand, I'd love to, I'd love to hear it.
Micah Folsom (29:45):
Oh, man. I mean, I think there are so many different, like, stories that are near and dear to my heart. Um, I think some of the most common things that I hear from most of the women that I work with, which is cool, is like I was just accepting life as it was coming. Like, I was complacent. I thought that was how it was always gonna be. I had put myself on the back burner, I had like given everything to my kids and I found me again like there, and it makes me emotional and I think about it because there are so many different conversations in my head that they're like, I found me again. Like, my kids are getting their mom back. And I think that's the thing that moms need to hear sometimes is like, we think we're giving everything to our kids, but we're giving them what's left of us and they deserve so much more than that.
So it's gonna take some self-care and taking care of your body and taking care of your mind and taking care of your soul so that you even have any capacity to give your kids the best of you and not the rest of you. And I think that's so important. And I think the message is getting clearer and getting out there and moms are feeling less guilt around taking time for themselves and taking care of themselves and even enjoying hobbies and doing things that are outside of pouring into their kids because so for so long that's been the narrative, like give, give, give, give, give. And if you don't, you're a bad mom. And if you take, if you do anything else other than that, you're a bad mom and it's like, oh, that's such a
Joey Odom (31:23):
You, you feel this, I mean this, you've been doing this for how long, how long have you been coaching? It'll
Micah Folsom (31:28):
Be 10 years in July
Joey Odom (31:30):
And you're a decade in and you still feel it. I mean, you, you I can you can I see the red eyes there. I mean, and it's, and I'm a y I'm a crier by the way. So the game, game recognizes game here, <laugh>. But what, what is it, why do you think it's still 10 years in? Why do you think it's still just as fresh? Why do you think it moves you as it does?
Micah Folsom (31:48):
I mean, probably just because it's, it's still coming up. Like every single day, I'm get, I'm getting messages or comments or like, I don't know how you do it. I feel so blah, blah, blah. And I'm like, gosh, like let me just take hold of you. Like, let me take you under my wing and tell you how simple it can be. Because it is, when I look back, I feel like there's so much information out there, there are so many things thrown at you about how to do a certain way and how to live a certain way and how to, what fitness looks like and what health looks like and all of this stuff. And it's like, ugh, I don't have time or energy or the space to do any of this, but I'm like, it really is so simple. Like, and you can do it from home and you can do it amid mom life with your kids all around.
And so I just feel for all of these women who are sitting in the struggle, who are sitting there feeling stuck or frustrated or lost or any of those things. And I'm like, let me just take you under my wing and just help you get on your path. Cause it's not anything that I'm doing for them, it's just t I'm helping them become aware of w they can do. And then they get to have that ownership in their life. And it is so empowering and you're like, oh my gosh, I can do this. I can do hard things. I can show up for myself. I can show my kids what's possible. And it is to me, why I will never stop doing this because of the generational impact that it has. When you can impact a mom, you impact all of her children, you impact her spouse, you impact grandkids. Like, and so I'm like, that work is too important not to do
Joey Odom (33:29):
It. It's it that is so entirely true. You know you go, we talk about changing the world, we wanna change the world. But that, but that's only, the only way you do that is by changing an individual world. And to your point like that, that goes through generations and generations and generations. We, we did a, a 23 in me, this is, you know, my wife and I did a 23 in me recently, and my wife looked back on her heritage. So she's part of, um, the Ashkenazi Jews and so, and so, she's part of this, this line. And 600, 800 years ago there were 350 of them left. Oh my gosh. 350 total. And you look at that, and so you look at, then I look at my kids and that's from those fricking 350 that as strong. So think about what you're doing intersecting with lives and then changing things that will rev reverberate for hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of years that changes, that changes the world. That is, there's no, there's no real small way to put that.
Micah Folsom (34:22):
<laugh>. Yeah, <laugh>. I mean, that's amazing. I feel like, and it's, it's crazy to think about because you're like, what I do, I feel like is so small, like when I don't work with thousands of women every single month like I'm working with a handful of new women each month and then I work with hundreds over the years and ultimately thousands over the years. But it's like, that's what change, that's how it all starts. Like it's just, it's small, it's the ripple effect. It's the consistent intentional actions each day that allow you to make a big impact. And I think sometimes looking back if I would've known 10 years ago what type of growth it would've taken or what it would've been like, what type of stretching of my comfort zone and my, all of the things that I would deathly afraid of speaking, deathly afraid of so many things, oh, I would get so nauseous. It's shocking. If I was asked to speak in church, I would be like, okay, I would like almost make myself sick being so anxious about it. And so if I would've known that to reach the type of women that I wanted to work with and make the impact that I, that was possible, I would have to do A, B, C, and D. I've been like, Nope, don't sign me up for that
Joey Odom (35:38):
Micah Folsom (35:38):
I'm out. But it's like all of those, it's just like baby steps, like baby steps, baby steps. You don't go from A to Z, you go from A to B and then B to C. So I think lots of women especially, and probably dudes get stuck in that gap between where they are and where they ultimately wanna be. And they're like, but there's such a huge gap, there's such a huge gap where what is that gonna look like? What is it gonna take? Am I willing? Am I capable? And it's like, you're probably not right now, but you will be and you'll, you'll continue to grow. And I think what's so rad about what you're doing is like, when we are having our conversation on my podcast, it is that you're up against like this monster of an addiction with phones, and yet the impact that you guys are making one family at a time, one person at a time, you're gonna be able to change so many things with how people are having their relationship with their phone. And it's the same thing, like one at a time. Yeah. Small steps and you're gonna make a huge impact. So I just Well that's, that's amazing. Love what you guys do. I
Joey Odom (36:50):
Well, would love what you're doing. I you you have a couple of concepts that I really, really like and I'm, and I'm curious if you coined some of these. So they're, one, one term that I I'd not heard before was multi-passionate life, living a multi-passionate life I like that concept. I think it's self-evident in, in, the term. But, tell me a little bit about that one. I have a few others I wanna follow up with, but multi-passionate life. I like that, that idea and concept.
Micah Folsom (37:13):
Yeah, so I mean, I think lots of times we just box ourselves into feeling like I can either be this or that I can, and that was, that was the life I was living. I can either be a good mom or I can be successful in business or whatever. And so as I got on my journey, I'm like, no, but I can be a good mom and I can be good at this. And then as I continued, I can be this and I can be that, this and that. And over the years things have expanded. So obviously like coaching and then I started the podcast and now we have our beef business. Like none of that was on the radar. And you just don't know, like as you become the person that you're meant to be on earth, you're gonna have opportunities to grow, you're gonna have opportunities to serve more, you're gonna have opportunities to, to do more good, and you will gain the capacity to do so as you continue. And so I just feel super passionate about not only modeling that, but helping people open their eyes to like, what have I, what have I kind of like blocked from my life? Because I feel like I'm one dimensional, I can only do one thing, I can only be good at the one, one area. And so I just want people to understand like, you can do so many good things. So what's on your heart? Yeah. Like what do you wanna follow next?
Joey Odom (38:34):
You talk, you talk about saying yes to your heart tugs. Yeah. I, I like that. I wanna hear more about heart tugs. Tell me, tell me what that, tell me what that means and what it, what it requires to say yes to those heart tugs and listen to them.
Micah Folsom (38:45):
Yeah, so I think, I mean, as human beings especially, I just feel like I'm a very spiritual type of person. Not to the degree of like checking the boxes and religion and whatever, but just being in tune with who you're meant to be. Like who God wants you to be on earth, and what type of instrument you can be. And it's those heart tugs that like just flutter by. It's like those inklings of thoughts that you're like, what could happen if I did this? Or like, what would life look like if I did that? Or I wonder. And it's those things that pass that you can either act on and you can kind of entertain and you can get curious about or you can shut down and be like, oh, no way, Jose. Like, I could never do that. I can never do whatever. And I think a lot of people get the heart tugs and those intuitions of like the direction they need to go next and they shut 'em down because of fear, because of doubts, because of whatever.
And so I just always talk about heart tugs because they're so individual, they're so personal, they're so going to you for a reason that as we get really in tune with those things, that is how you live life on purpose because it's meant for you and you're guided and directed every step of the way. And so you never really have to wonder like, well, am I supposed to do that? Well, do you feel called to it then? Yes. And if it's not, it doesn't have to be the end all. I doesn't have to be the ultimate, but it can open up a next door, it can give you the lessons or the things you need to grow to do the next thing. And so I just feel like everybody gets them, but not everybody acts on them and they're missing their miracles.
Joey Odom (40:27):
Yeah. I, one thing you said that jumped out there that I loved is you said you get curious about them. So it's not as if when that heart tug comes to you, you gotta go build out a, you know, 10-step plan, just get curious about it. Yeah. And part of that is just getting a little bit quiet so you can hear them, but then I, I like that a bunch. Just get curious about it and don't put a bunch of pressure. It sounds like this is something you receive, you receive and you don't put pressure on yourself, right? Is that, is that accurate?
Micah Folsom (40:55):
Yeah, totally. Totally. And you don't need to know the steps, you don't need to know the game plan, and you don't need to know the results. You just need, like when I say get curious, yeah, ask yourselves questions like what would that allow us to do? What, what, what could that make possible? What could that, like for instance, with the beef business, um, <laugh>, if that was so outta left field, like never on the radar whatsoever. But what got me excited were a couple of different things. One, we could bring our kids into it, it would allow us to be way more intentional with our family time on the farm. It would allow us to grow something from the ground up and teach them business stuff. And it also opened up an opportunity for my brother and sister-in-law to move up to Idaho to take, to ultimately like help run it.
And so when the heart tub came, I was like, oh man, we don't have extra time or capacity to do anything right now, but what could, what could this be and how could it look? And who could help and what would this, what would it take and am I willing to do that? And of course, we're like <laugh> knee deep in it, so I was willing, but it just has opened up so many doors and growth opportunities and experiences for our family and it's just been such a blessing. So it's always worth asking yourselves those questions.
Joey Odom (42:19):
Well, the mind is always going to immediately go towards all the reasons why not. I mean, that, that's just absolutely, that's how we're built. We're gonna go to the practical at first. And if you don't allow yourself to at least be curious. So it's almost two different things. It's on the one side it's building out a full plan before you're curious about it. But then the other side of it is not just shutting it down before you're curious about it. At least be curious and entertain it. I I I like that. Yeah. Um, so very, very practically, you're big on the morning routine. So I, I want to hear, and, and I think everybody would love to hear, tell us about your morning routine. How did you, how did that become a priority? And just practically walk us through what you do.
Micah Folsom (42:55):
Yeah, so my morning routine has shifted over the years. Um, it came about out of necessity at the beginning, <laugh>, like I, I had young kids and if I was gonna have any time to have any Micah time at the beginning of the day, it had to happen early and it happened to happen before they woke up. So I am just very passionate about setting yourself up, like tuning into how you wanna feel, not so much checking the boxes of what you wanna get done, but how do you wanna feel? So I always wanted to stay connected to the vision of our life, connected to what we were doing on earth, how we were doing it, and how we were showing up each day. And so I just kind of built a routine that allowed me to set myself up, take care of myself, move my body, um, take care of my mind, pray, do those things, and then I could mom, and then I could do business and then I could do the things.
Um, now that we homeschool, I was just having this conversation with JD the other night. Um, I'm like, I don't have to wake up at five anymore because we don't have to rush the kids off to school and we don't have a deadline. And so we have a slower pace morning and it's a little bit different, but I still, so I still wake up, I take my pre-workout, I go to the gym, our gym, not the gym, but I walk across the street to our gym where it's quiet and the kids are not, um, I read, I do some personal development. I listen to my vision in my ears on a loop. So I've recorded it of me, I have a whole vision story, like process. So I record, we listen to it each morning, pray, and do some devotional study. And then I work out and do like the, my first bit of business is sharing on social and like getting some content up.
So I always do that first and foremost before I come back in. And then I home, like we do homeschool and work and all that stuff, but it's like, I just feel like morning routine is, it's such an easy way to build a solid foundation for the rest of the day. So if you just like leave it up in the air for how things are gonna happen, it's like, I used to just wake up when the kids were screaming and ready to be awake and all of a sudden it's like, ugh, chaos. Like right away, like, holy crap, and you're off, you're in ed and you're in like, you're already overstimulated. And like, that was not how I wanted to wake up and feel first thing in the morning. And so it's just really getting in tune with how you wanna feel first thing in the morning. How can you set yourself up a routine that supports that and puts you in control of that and then you can go about your day? So I just feel like it makes m difference.
Joey Odom (45:34):
That's huge. It is. And just the way you start off the day, it's, it's amazing the difference it makes. Um, you, you and I, we got connected. I would love to hear, and I don't want this to make an Aro you know, story, but, but technology in your home is important to you. And we talk about your relationship with your technology, how it relates to, you know, those around you. I'd love to hear a little bit of how we got connected and um, maybe a little bit of how Aros played out in your home.
Micah Folsom (45:58):
Yeah, for sure. I love it. So this has been like a topic for the past year with my family. Obviously, I build my business 99.9% online. So my phone is very much a part of our daily life and what's going on. But I also know how important it is to have boundaries and have the unplugged time and have the just like phone away, fully present, not distracted. Well then as my kids started getting devices, and JD does a ton of stuff on his phone, it's just, it was always there. Like phones were always around and always there. And so as a family, we came together and we're like, what can we do? We have no phone zone time. This is where it's family time, phones away, but that would last for a sec and then it wouldn't. And so then we made, my daughter made a no phone zone box and we were supposed to put our phone in the box every day, every time it was that family time.
But we did it for a sec and then we didn't, cuz it's inconvenient and it wasn't charging and it was hard to get out. So just little annoying things that were like putting kinks in our situation, but just, we know the importance of it. And so I saw one of my friends from social who we went to the same college, Kelly, she posted something about Aro, she posted like this beautiful box that she had, and duh da. And I'm like, what is this <laugh>? So, of course, I follow like the little loop and I find your page and I see what you're about and I'm like, oh my gosh. I'm like, this is what we need and I love what they represent. So I reached out to you, to you and I'm like, I want you on my show. Like I wanna talk about this, I wanna bring awareness around this.
I want people to understand that there's a way to have boundaries and do thing. And the thing that I think I and I come up a lot against, like women who want to build a business online but have that same fear of I don't want it to take over my life. I don't wanna have to have my phone with me all the time. I don't wanna, and yet usually they're the same people who like are the first ones watching my stories throughout the day. And I'm like, but you're on your phone anyway. Like, come on. So they just don't want another reason to be even more addicted to their phone cuz I know it's such, it's such a big issue and everyone has that pull but doesn't want it. And it's like, how do you do it? How do you balance it?
So I got, I got the Aro box, we started using it and I just love it. I love the intention that it places behind, okay, now I'm fully present like my phone is going away. What can we do as a family? What can we do? And it's just a different energy, it's a different feeling that comes from that versus like, I'm trying to be present, but I still have my phone and if it goes off or if I wanna look something up, it's just so, it's too convenient. It's too convenient when it's in your pocket. So I love it so much. We, I mean we, we all love it.
Joey Odom (49:03):
That's nice of you. Thank you <laugh>, appreciate that. I, um, um, you are, um, what's interesting about that, what jumps out about all of that is you are in the top 0.0, zero, zero 1% of intentional people. And it's still so hard. I mean, you, you described it, it is a challenge and you're, you're so intentional and environment is such an important piece of that and having the right tools. Um, intentionality is a word that comes up again and again with you. And it's evident in your story. It's evident even in the words you say. So I'm curious, and we like to ask this question of guests. So what is, what does intentionality mean to you?
Micah Folsom (49:39):
I think for me, intentionality is like your desire. Intentionality is like your desire to put focus behind what you want. Um, but it's really interesting because you can be intentional and you can have the desire to change and you can want to change and you can try to put the boundaries in place to do it, but the follow through can be completely different. And I think that is what is, so that's why like, ha my whole podcast is about the unsexy habits that build a legendary life. So it's like you can have the intention, but what are you doing to build the structure, the habits through routines, the environment, the boundaries? And so I love that. Um, I mean everything that you guys represent, it's like most people have the intention to be present, to be fully family-focused, to put their phone away to not be distracted, but just like we talked about on my show, like when it's there, it's just too easy.
Like you ha like, it's just too easy. You wanna look up a recipe you want, and all of your intentions are good. You're like, this isn't bad. It's not bad to wanna look up a recipe. But then you look up a recipe and then you see a dean come up and then you go onto your messages and then you see this and it's just like, that's how it is. And so I just feel like you've gotta have the intention and the desire first, which is awesome. But then you gotta have some structure and some support and something to back, back up that intention that's gonna help you follow through and commit to it.
Joey Odom (51:09):
So good. That is so good. Um, I wanna go through a few of the things you're doing so people can connect with you and because there're gonna be multiple ways that they can, um, to, you've mentioned Do Your Crap podcast, which I love the title <laugh>. I love the, you said unsexy habits that build a legendary life. That's such a good tagline. Um, where can people find that? Tell us a little bit about that. Um, cause I'm sure people wanna listen.
Micah Folsom (51:32):
Yeah, so that's, I mean, it's on any podcast platform, you can find it anywhere, um, that you can listen to podcasts. It's, it's kind of focused on entrepreneurs, but it's gonna help any human that just wants to live their best life. So we have a lot of, we have a lot of mom talk, we have a lot of entrepreneur talk, we have guests that come in and share their experiences and best practices and things. So definitely come hang out. It's fun, it's a fun show for sure. And I, no matter what industry you're in, or if you're a mom or whatever, you'll get something out of it for sure.
Joey Odom (52:04):
It's, it's really good. I mean, you, you're an excellent host and it, it's, uh, it's shocking that you were afraid of talking at one point, which is so good. <laugh>, um, Folsom Beef, I wanna hear Folsom Beef. Where, how can, how can people connect with that and order and, um, and tell us about
Micah Folsom (52:18):
That. Yeah, so this is our newest adventure, um, that came about last year. We had the idea, so my husband grew up on a ranch. He's always been in that world. Um, we've had cows for years, I think since 2015 when we got out here, we started building our herd. So every year we would raise and fatten up, a beef for us. So we enjoyed homegrown beef and we're like, this is amazing. It's the best. Um, but never had the desire to sell it or to make it available to anyone else. Um, and then one of my friends reached out and was like, I want my family to have like the best meat. I don't trust what's going on in the world and da da da. Would you guys sell us one? And I'm like, huh. I'm like, that's interesting. I'm like, we could, sure.
So we worked it out. Of course, she started sharing it, and other people started asking. So it kind of came about from just people wanting access and not having it available to them. And then we came to the point where we were only doing whole cows and people on social were able to get them because they had to get 'em from here, from Idaho. And so we're like, babe, we gotta figure out how to ship this. Yeah. Like, we've gotta figure out how to do boxes, smaller amounts, and make it accessible for anyone who values just wholesome meat that they can trust. And so that's when we, the idea came up to do like subscription boxes and things like that. And it's been holy moly, <laugh>, it's been such a learning curve to figure out all of the different, there's so much red tape and situations that you've gotta like work with.
But, so that idea came about last year, and in January of this year is when we launched it. So it's like the baby that we're still nurturing and figuring out and growing, but we're having so much fun. It's been so cool. Every time we get people sharing their recipes and things that they're doing with our meat, I'm like, this is the coolest. This is the coolest. So cool. So yeah, folsomfarmbeef.com, you can learn all about the farm, our practices, and what's going on, and it links up to the store too, so you can order from there. Perfect.
Joey Odom (54:27):
Folsomfarmbeef.com. F o l s o M. And okay. What about Ignite Your Life? I'm probably missing leaving out like 11 things but Ignite your life. Let's hear people. I know people are gonna wanna hear about that.
Micah Folsom (54:38):
Yeah. Ignite Your Life. That is my program that's specific for network marketers. So mm-hmm. <affirmative>, it was interesting. I mentor women on my team and that's like my heart. I love mentoring women that have then the access to completely build a life because they have that financial opportunity tied to it. So I was getting, when I started the podcast, it's obviously for anyone. So I was getting lots of people from other industries listening and how do I hire you as a business coach? How do I like to teach me your systems? How do I end? I'm like, I don't have a way. Like I, like I don't have a way. And so that's, I'm like, I gotta figure out something that I can make industry-wide because I'm super passionate about network marketing and how it's transformed our ves and what doors it opens up for people when they're aligned with a company that they love.
And so I'm, I'm like, okay, I can put everything that I've learned, everything that I've done to build a - business while honoring my highest priorities. Like not missing out on family time, not missing out on the things that I love. Because I think the hustle culture and all of this messaging is f you can either be this or that was so strong. And I want people to know that it's possible and I want them to have a direct roadmap to do so. Not just know that it's possible, but then have, the steps and the things to make it happen. So that's when I built the program and launched that I think like a year and a half ago. And it has been so much fun, and so cool to work with women all in different industries that can believe what's possible for themselves and have the roadmap to bring it all to life. So that's what the program is.
Joey Odom (56:21):
Where can people find info on that?
Micah Folsom (56:22):
They can find info at micafolsomfit.com/ignite your life. I have a free masterclass, um, that anyone can take as well that's kind of like that door into that. I talk about it at the end, but it's gonna talk about the three most common beliefs that people carry with them that are keeping them from that next level of success. And you can get access to that@michaelfolsonfitt.com to slash seven figure secrets.
Joey Odom (56:53):
Perfect. We, we'll link all of this in the show description as well. <laugh>, are so many links. Uh, what about, what about socials? Where can people, by the way, you're, you're, you're, so, I I will say you are a must follow on social media. The midnight, like the midnight runs out to find the Lost Cow. I mean, it's, it's, it's awesome. So it's, I know. So where can people follow you on social? It's so much fun.
Micah Folsom (57:12):
Oh yeah, you can, all of the main stuff is at, uh, my main page is @lifeonfolsomfarm. So that's kind of where you get a little bit of everything.
Joey Odom (57:22):
That's awesome. <laugh> Micah,, it's been delightful. It has. Awesome. As always. You're awesome. Thank you so much, for joining The Aro Podcast. Everybody go check Micah out, check the show description for all of the links. Micah's just the best. Thank You.
Micah Folsom (57:35):
Thanks for having me on. Such a blast.
Joey Odom (57:38):
I don't know about you, but I'm ready to run through a brick wall. How good was Micah Folsom? Inspirational, positive, practical. I loved every bit of that. What a great conversation. Go check out all the links in the show description where you can connect with Micah and see what she is doing through her coaching or podcast through Folsom Beef, whatever it may be. And hey, we'd love it if you tell your friends and family about The Aro Podcast. Go to Spotify, go to Apple Music, and drop a review on us if you're enjoying what you're hearing. And thank you once again for joining The Aro Podcast. We will see you next time. The Aro Podcast is produced and edited by the team at Palm Tree Podcast. Special thanks to Emily Miles for their video and digital support.